Fail on
another diet?
The Shielders® weight loss breakthrough can give you Super Willpower in Eating Situations!

"Each class is like a revelation!"
"This is bordering on the miraculous!"
"This is bordering on the miraculous!"
Kim D. & S. L.

This method makes more sense than any other I’ve encountered.
Dr. Pat. D., M.D.

It feels good to be human again = to think with my brain, not my stomach!
Dr. Z., M.D.

I hope Dr. Hill realizes the significance of what she's discovered. She should become more famous than Freud because she has found a way to instantly reprogram the mind and change behavior. Once my mind is reprogrammed, I don't even notice my stomach growl!
-Anna R.

I came into the test group hostile, ready to give Dr. Hill a piece of my mind if this was just another scam. Dr. Hill gave me a (mental) Shield which changed my whole life. On every other weight loss program, I had doubts that it would work on a long-term basis. I am convinced this will.
-Diane D.

It really does work like magic!
-Flori T.

A God-Send.
-Dr. B. A. (Psychologist)

Shielding is a BRILLIANT concept!
-Sue S.

This Website is Published by Id the Dragon® Publishing
(Updated 2-12-25 11:40 PM. All edits to Lesson 8 and Lesson 12 are done and printed.)